The solution to ending prostitution is not jail. Once they are out, they will continue their filthy work. And to jail someone forever is psychological torture.
The solution to ending prostitution is not through rehab centers. Many of them are good at faking their own rehab; or if they do take it sincerely, satan always lures them back to their filth. And if their society promotes adultery, they will be back in their filth in full swing in a short matter of time.
The solution to ending prostitution is through sheer and utter force.
For a person to be a prostitute, the punishment should always be harsh so that others will know the consequences for doing it (thus decreasing the chances of prostitutes).
And for a person to run a prostitution ring, the punishment should always be harsh for the same reason.
Islaam intends to get rid of evil from the root as this is the most effective way to purify the lands.
Alhamdullilaah, recently the Taliban caught two women who were running a prostitution ring that was serving US and foreign troops as well as the Afghan Apostates! So they were committing adultery and supporting the army of satan. The entire ring was shutdown and its leaders were punished in public.
According to Yahoo News:
Two unidentified Afghan Women chat with each other a few minutes before they were executed by Taliban in Ghazni province, Afghanistan, on late Saturday, July 12, 2008. Taliban fighters told Associated Press Television News that the two were executed for allegedly running a prostitution ring catering to U.S. soldiers and other foreign contractors at a U.S. base in Ghazni city.
Of course, the disbelievers want you to think it’s barbaric… but tell me… is it more barbaric to eventually allow the prostitutes their freedom or to stop them cold in their sin which is destroying and eating away at humanity and its basic morals?
AllahuAkbar, may Allah protect the Mujaahideen and allow them to continue establishing the Shari’ah, showing the world the wisdom behind the law of Allah ‘Azza wa Jall.
Obviously, the US Terrorists and her allies will be upset about this; not because justice was established, but because they can’t have sex with their prostitutes no longer.
If one were to take this incident in isolation, then it would appear sad. But if one knows the true reality behind it, then they would respect the action taken upon these criminals.
Appearance versus Reality.
West versus Islaam.
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