Praise be to Allāh (تعالى), whose Help glorifies Islam, whose Irresistibility humiliates Shirk (rejection of oneness), whose Command manages all affairs, whose Planning draws the Kāfirs (unbelievers) in little by little, whose Justice causes days of blessings and days of suffering to alternate, and whose Grace makes final victory belong to the pious. And peace and prayer be on the one that with his sword, Allāh (تعالى) elevated the status of Islam.
The constant struggle between righteousness and falsehood since the beginning of creation till the Day of Judgment has been the practice of Allāh (تعالى). Past history has shown us various forms of this struggle.
From A Soldier Standing On The Line Of Fire
From Abū Mus’ab Al-Zarqāwī to his commander, the one who is blessed with high status by the Grace of Allāh (تعالى), Abū Abdullāh Osamā Bin Lāden, may Allāh (تعالى) comfort his eyes and shower him with blessings.
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatu Allāh (تعالى)i Wabarakatuh (Peace, God’s mercy and blessings be upon you).
Praise be to Allāh (تعالى), there is no god but Allāh (تعالى).
If you miss me a little..
My heart is burning with desire to see you
May Allāh (تعالى) gather us together
And the day of reunion becomes near.
O our beloved Sheikh! Allāh (تعالى) knows that it is not our choice to be away from you; if birds could fly us, we would have been at your door. I ask Allāh (تعالى) to grant us a reunion and bless us with the sweetness of seeing you again.
Our beloved Amīr! We are certain that you are anxious to know what is going on at our end and whether or not we are fine. We know you must be following the practice of our righteous ancestors. Whenever Omar Ebn Al-Khattab sent an army to establish La Ilaha Illa Allāh (تعالى) anywhere, he used to go to the perimeters of Medinah and beyond to get the news about his soldiers; he never waited until messengers made it to his house. He was always anxious for news about his soldiers just as a pregnant woman about her soon to be born infant.
I want to assure you that we are keeping our covenant with Allāh (تعالى), our Jihād on the path of Allāh (تعالى) will continue and we will sacrifice everything we have, including our lives, in order for the religion of Allāh (تعالى) to become the law of the land. We have made up our minds, we have chosen our option, we have raised the banner of Amīr, we have sharpened our swords, and we have decided to ride our spears to glory and honor.
There is no doubt that you have heard what the news media around the world have been circulating lately. They claimed that I have been seriously wounded and I have been receiving treatment at Ramādī hospital. You and all Muslims all over the globe will be pleased to know that all of the news media allegations were false, I was only slightly wounded as correctly reported by our media department. By the Grace of Allāh (تعالى), I am well and I am moving around freely among my brothers in the land of the Two Rivers, and together, we battle the enemies of Allāh (تعالى).
Our beloved Amīr! As I am writing to you, your soldiers are making history on the battle fields. Their level of courage, sacrifice, fighting skills, and determination to protect our religion and chastity of our Muslim women, is unprecedented. I am pleased to inform you that your soldiers in the city of Qāim have rubbed the noses of the US Marines in the mud, and proved that the so called “unbeatable US war machine” is nothing but a myth. The Muslim cavaliers, the graduate youths of the school of Muhammad (the prophet), both the Muhājirūn (Mujāhidīn from outside of Iraq) and Ansār (Mujāhidīn from inside of Irāq) have fought like lions and have beaten all the crusader’s plans. All the crusader’s goals have crumbled at the hands of your soldiers at the walls of Qāim. After ten days of intense fighting, Allāh (تعالى) has blessed your soldiers with victory over the cross worshippers. The cross worshippers had no choice but to retreat and withdraw in total disgrace to avoid a total wipe out of their men and equipment. The battle of Qāim will go down as one of the greatest battles in Islamic history.
Allāh (تعالى) has disgrace them, especially after their leader, General Drink Wine, arrogantly made his famous statement: “We will defeat them (Mujāhidīn) even if Muhammad and the God of Muhammad were with them”. He further intended to drank wine with his soldiers to celebrate their victory. This brought us memories from the past. Abū Jahel, an enemy of Allāh (تعالى), has made a similar statement at the time when the messenger of Allāh (تعالى), Muhammad, along with a small number of ill equipped and malnourished believers, stood up to defend their religion against the powerful and well equipped Quraish. Abū Jahel said: “We will not stop fighting Muhammad until we defeat him and reach the well of Bader. We will then drink wine, listen to music and female singers, until all Arab communities and tribes hear about our decisive victory which will make them fear us for the rest of their lives.” However, when Abū Jahel and his soldiers made it to Bader, they were defeated by the outnumbered and under equipped Muslims. Abū Jahel himself was killed in the battle and his body was thrown in an abandoned well.
O our Sheikh! Allāh (تعالى) knows that we were very optimistic when this cursed General challenged Allāh (تعالى) with his statement. We were certain that Allāh (تعالى) will fulfill his promise to us. This has been the practice of Allāh (تعالى) towards anyone who slanders this religion and shows disrespect for Allāh (تعالى). Sheikh Al-Islam, Ibn Taimiah رحمه الله said: Muslims have cited time and time again, situations in which they were surrounding their enemies fortified fortresses, trying to penetrate them with no success for a month or longer, but as soon as the enemies of Allāh (تعالى) start slandering the religion (Islam) or cursing Allāh (تعالى), victory was given to Muslims by Allāh (تعالى) within a day or two. Our Sheikh! Allāh (تعالى) has guided a shot from a son of yours to hit the helicopter from which, General Drink Wine was guiding the battle from the sky, fearing the Mujāhidīn fire on the ground. The aircraft went down in flames, and the General has tasted the burning with fire in this life before he will face a forever lasting fire in the hereafter.
By the Grace of Allāh (تعالى), we have cut their heads off, we have torn their bodies to pieces, we have spilled their blood, and they will leave the land of Muslims in total defeat and disgrace. The author of the book “The civil war” has appropriately described America as follows: America was created in blood, sucked blood, spilled blood, became a giant with blood, and will drown in blood. The dog of Rome, Bush, may have been pleased with the capture of our brother Abū Faraj Al-Libbi, but he is sure to be very disturbed and displeased with what happened to his soldiers in Qāim and other cities of Iraq.
Our beloved Amīr! By the Grace of Allāh (تعالى), the enemy is on the prescribed road and is doing exactly what the plan is expecting him to do. We are about to strangle the enemy from all directions, by the Grace of Allāh (تعالى). If the rest of the plan goes as expected, the results will be visible for everyone to see. The results will please every Muslim and will displease and anger every Kafir and every Hypocrite. I believe that our plan for the next stage has either reached you or on its way to you as I speak.
Today, the enemy is seeing its worse time in the land of the Two Rivers. If it was not for the services provided by Shia, the grandchildren of Ibn Al-Alqamī, headed by the Imam of Kufr and perversion, Al-Sistanī, the state of affairs of Bani Al-Asfar ( reference to the fair complexion race, i.e., Roman descent) would have been totally different. This was what Thomas Friedman of News Week alluded to when he said “It is fair to say that Sistanī has helped Bush in many ways as did Mandela and Gorbashov helped the elder Bush. Mandela’s leadership allowed for the peaceful transfer of power to the Black majority. Gorbashov’s policies helped the nonviolent breaking of the Soviet Union and allowed for a soft landing.” It is preferable to be lucky instead of being good. To be lucky means you have people like Mandela, or Sistanī on your side, in times of crises. Such partners will be working with you to reach a historic agreement at a cross road.
Friedman further said “The most important role that Sistanī played was to give the Arab political process a religious cover. Spreading democracy over the region will not be easy, but the prospect of success increases every day when you have partners from within who can legalize your action plan, and that is what Sistanī has. We have been very lucky to have this 75 year old man on our side.” I could never understand how Sistanī, who lives in a small house in a narrow alley, in the city of Najaf, emerges as wise and influential as he is. But all I hope for is to have this man lives until he is 120 years of age and I hope he wins Nobel prize.
So the slaves of the cross worshippers (Shia, Kurds) saw what is happening to their master and they decided to save him. General Richard Meyers contended that the war on Iraq has caused the US military to be overstretched and exhausted, and any new war will take longer time to prepare and execute and will require additional supplies and manpower. A high ranking military officer in the Green Zone has told a foreign correspondent “that those remnant criminals (Mujāhidīn) have destroyed the credibility and reputation of the American military machine that no other army in the world would dare to challenge, thank God that we are able to use our money to recruit non-American mercenaries to fight our battle in Iraq. But what I am afraid of is the day when we can no longer use our millions of dollars to get fresh recruits.”
Then comes the enemy of Allāh (تعالى), the American-Zionist, Jalāl Talibanī to claim that Amīr in Iraq has been weakened and has become isolated. He is the one who made the famous statement “Muhammad came to us with Qura’an on the back of Camels, but nowadays, we have no camels, therefore, we will send all copies of Qura’an back to Mecca by way of Donkeys and Mules. I challenge this perverted liar, if he were to be a man, to come out of his hiding hole and take a stroll in Baghdad in order for every one, near and far, to know who is weak and who has the upper hand.
Our Glorious Amīr! I sacrifice my father and my mother for your well being and security.
I could not think of something to bring this message to a closure better than this story cited by Moslem: Utbah Ibn Ghazwan, delivered a sermon, in which he said:
“O people, this Dunya (life on earth) is about to end, there is little time left, after which you will be transferred to another world, a world of eternity. So let us see what have we prepared for the new life. It is said that if a stone is let to fall anywhere in the Hell fire, the stone will fall for more than seventy years without even reaching the bottom. It is also said that it takes forty years to travel the distance between any two gates of paradise. One day, I was one of seven people, including the prophet, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم , we had no food except for tree leaves, me and Sa’ad Ibn Malek shared one garment, I used half of it to cover my body and he used the other half, but the hardship passed, and the religion of Allāh (تعالى) has been established and each one of us became an Amīr of an Islamic city or a province.”
Our beloved Amīr! This also reminded me with the dangerous time that confronted Islam and the Muslims after the prophet had died. When the entire Ummah became apostates except for Mekkah and Madinah, the righteous people were afraid, Muslims became a very small minority; Kuffar and Hypocrites became influential and sharpened their swords, but Allāh (تعالى) gave this Ummah a man no less than a mountain in resolve and firmness, Abū Bakr Al-Sidīq رضي الله عنه . Abū Bakr رضي الله عنه prepared his army to fight the apostates and, at the same time, has ordered the Osamah Army (that was being prepared to attack the Roman empire, at the order of the prophet before his death) to proceed to attack the Romans. The Ummah was facing one of its darkest, if not the darkest times, but Abū Bakr رضي الله عنه put his trust in Allāh (تعالى) and did what the prophet would have done had he been alive. Osamah Army took it to the road to the Roman empire under the worse circumstances facing the Umaah, but by the Grace of Allāh (تعالى), this army was most successful and most bless. Abū Bakr رضي الله عنه did what he did because the last words spoken by the prophet before he died were: Send off Osamah Army Send off Osamah Army.
The Ummah is now facing similar hardship, and as Allāh (تعالى) made it possible, back then, for Osamah Army to be sent to fight the Romans on their turf and for Abū Bakr to fight the apostates elsewhere, He is surely capable of making it possible now.
O Allāh (تعالى)! Send off Osamah Army.
Our beloved Amīr, we ask Allāh (تعالى) to preserve you, and lengthen your life, and make you a thorn in the throats of the enemies of Allāh (تعالى). We ask Allāh (تعالى) to bless you and end your life (when He wills it) with a martyrdom. We await your orders as to the next stage of the plan.
Wa Assalam
Your younger brother
{And Allāh (تعالى) has full power and control over His affairs; but most among mankind know it not.} 12:21
Praise be to Allāh (تعالى), The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds.
The Media Department
Al-Qaeda Organization In The Land Of The Two Rivers
21 Rabie Al-Thani 1426
May 30, 2005
(taken from a forum with little editions)
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