Mashaa’Allaah, the following response was done by a Sister [taken from a forum] to a “Salafi” critic whose tongue is used to make Taqleed of the Saudi Scholars and criticize those who support the Mujahideen. She wrote:
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
I disagree with this statement that you have made and I believe that it is a statement that comes across to me as a teeny bit arrogant(no offense intended) everytime I hear it. Just because you do not agree with the loads of other respected scholars, eg Sh Yusuf al Uyairi, Sh Abdullah Azzam, Sh Al Zawahiri, etc just to name a few off the top of my head, does not mean that they do not fall under the category of respected scholars of today. They have a very large following, myself included of sincere muslims who refuse to sit by idly while Allah’s deen is being raped by so called ‘Muslim leaders’ and the kuffar. Mind you even the most respected of the classical scgolars were of the view that anyone who abandons the Shariah of Allah and adopts another form of legislation is a kaafir. The only reason why the likes of Sh Fawzaan etc are well known amongst the lay muslims is because they are the ones who have been publicised by the governments while all others against the government, have their opinions stifled by banning them from TV programs, public lectures etc. The case of Safar Hawali and Salman al Awdah is a classical example. And see where it has led Salman al Awdah.
Instead I see it as those whom you choose to label as the ‘extremists’, are the ones who are balanced, while you are the one who is extreme. That is extreme in your taqleed of the Ulama who are not infallible. Alhamdulillah you have produced a recording where Sh Fawzan has said that jihad is fard ‘ayn in Iraq, etc. But what do you have to say when the same man says anyone who is found trying to go for jihad in iraq to expel the invading forces should be reported to the authorities because they do not have the permission of the so called ‘wali ul amr’. So according to Sh Fawzan, it is justified to imprison, torture and even rape muslim brothers, simply because they have the urge and gheerah for the Deen of Allah azza wa jal and want to go and defend their brothers and sisters in the deen.
Why can we not be allowed to take some and leave some of what the ‘Kibaar al Ulama’ say? Are they infallible? No they are not. The only infallible One, died over 1400 yrs ago. So now we are suppose to take some of what the Ulama say and leave some. ‘The flesh of the scholars is poison’ we are always told. But what about the flesh of the mujaahideen? Are the mujaahideen not the ones who Rasul (saw) said about them that, even the greatest and most dedicated ‘Ubaad could never get the same reward as a Mujaahid?
Does that not show the high level of the mujaahideen in the eyes of Allah? Shouldn’t it automatically tell us that the mujahideen hold a higher status in the eyes of Allah than even the Scholars? Yet we find it so easy to call them thieves, criminals, murderers etc. Whereas one does not dare to disagree with any of the Kibaar ul Ulama and he is branded a ‘khawarij’. This to me is the extremism and not the other way around.What I cannot get over in particular, is how anyone can dare compare the situation that existed during the lifetime of the Sahab and the situatuon of today. I think that is a total insult and disrespect to these great Mujaahideed who are the closest people to the Most High. Mind you, THE SAHABA DID NOT FORM ALLAINCES WITH THE ENEMIES OF ALLAH. THE SAHABA DID NOT THROW THE BOOK OF ALLAH BEHIND THEIR BACKS AND CHOOSE TO DENY AL HAAKIMIYYA OF ALLAH. THE SAHABA DID NOT MAKE RIBA HALAL. THE SAHABA DID NOT SQUANDER THE WEALTH OF THE UMMAH ON LAVISH LIFESTYLES AND GAMBLING IN LAS VEGAS WHILE MUSLIM CHILDREN ALL AROUND THE WORLD ARE DYING OF DISEASE, HUNGER, ETC. THE SAHABA DID NOT SIT BACK IN AIR-CONDITIONED PALACES WHILE MILLIONS OF MUSLIMS WERE BEING SLAUGHTERED AND HUMILIATED. AND LASTLY, AS SURE AS I AM THAT I WILL DIE SOME DAY, THAT IS HOW SURE I AM THAT THE SAHABA WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SLEEP A WINK IF THEY WERE ALIVE TODAY TO SEE THE STATE OF THE UMMAH, UNTIL THEY HAD MADE ALLAH’S WORD SUPERIOR ONCE AGAIN. So pls brother be careful with the analogies you make because comparing the situation of Muslim rulers today with the Sahaba is a bit low.
Even the Sahaba, where not followed blindly. They are many instances where we would see the ordinary man challenge decisions made on behalf of the muslims by the Khulafa’. And these great men were not too arrogant to accept correction or even take criticism. Why can we not also support the mujaahideen in their struggle and chastise them and call them to order when they err? Why must we totally denounce them or risk being labelled khawarij? Why is there no middle ground when it comes to the mujaahideen.
All I want my brothers and sisters to remember is that firstly our Beloved(saw) told us that he feared for us something that was worse than the Dajjal’s fitnah; and that is ‘THE WICKED SCHOLAR’. Secondly on Yawmul Qiyaamah, Allah will not only throw the wicked scholar in the hell fire, but also their followers. Why? Becaues Allah’s deen is as clear as night is from day. And it doesn’t take a well versed scholar to recognise the gross betrayal of Allah’s deen by the so-called Kibar ul Ulama. And whether we like to believe it or not, a large number of muslims have finally woken up to the reality of the situation, and that is why more and more muslims all over the world have lost respect for a lot of these scholars, because Allah gave them this Ummah to lead and protect as an amaana and they have failed miserably.
Wa billahi tawfique. May Allah guide me first and foremost and the whole Ummah of Muhammad (saw). And may He continue to give the Mujaahideen the strength and courage to fight and destroy the ‘awliyah of shaytaan without fearing the blame of any blamer.
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